Profile PictureTom Hirst

Writing Tweets Daily

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Writing Tweets Daily

Twitter can change your life: 

  • More sales. 
  • More business. 
  • More friends. 

But you need to write tweets to expose yourself to the benefits.

And this is where most people stop making progress.

Because creating content consistently is difficult without a plan.

And a plan is hard to craft when you don’t know what works or where to start.

I’ve heard this from so many people who’ve noticed my efforts on Twitter:

“How do you do it?”

So I created this course to answer exactly that question.

If you:

  • Struggle to write tweets consistently
  • Find ideas for tweets hard to generate
  • Find it tough to structure easy to read tweets
  • Wrestle with understanding what type of tweets work well
  • Waste time writing threads/tweetstorms that get no traction

Then this video course is for you.

Because in Writing Tweets Daily, I’ll literally show you how I do it.

"A must-buy for anyone who wants to build a Twitter audience."

Sam Underwood, SEO Consultant

"Writing Tweets Daily showed me how to turn everyday work/life experiences into valuable tweets."

Jay Macleod, Agency Owner

"I created a thread and it really took off! I've gained 169 followers so far and been featured in 2 newsletters."

Max Pieters, Head of SEO at HelloHealth

🤓 What will I learn?

You'll learn:

  • Where to start using Twitter
  • How much you should tweet
  • How to know what's best for you to tweet about
  • Why some tweets work better than others
  • How to write multiple tweets easily
  • How to turn your rough notes into tweets
  • A system for producing Twitter content consistently
  • How to hold yourself accountable to tweet daily
  • What tools work best for scheduling and automation
  • Optional extra: How to write threads that go viral
  • Optional extra: What tweets worked best for me in the last 18-months

👨🏻‍💻 Who am I and what do I know?

I’m a long-time freelance web developer, and more recently, writer and creator.

I didn’t share my ideas with the world for years.

I’d always worry:

  • What will people think?
  • What if my ideas don’t resonate?
  • What if I can’t generate enough content?

But in August 2019, I took the first step by sharing a portion of my experience on Twitter:

I only had a few followers, but people liked it.

So I wrote more tweets.

And the more I wrote tweets, the more my confidence built.

Twitter became my platform.

In July 2020, my exposure accelerated when a thread I wrote went super viral.

My message went out to 3.4 million people for free.

And I continued to write tweets that struck chords:

By July 2021, I had over 20,000 people interested in my ideas.

Writing tweets became a daily habit with unlimited upside.

By providing valuable content regularly, I've built an audience of connections with a focus on quality, not followers at all costs.

As a result, I've become:

  • A better writer
  • More confident
  • A person of interest in the circles I care about

Twitter helped me find my voice and Writing Tweets Daily can help you find yours.

📈 What results have I seen?

Twitter helped me achieve results I wouldn’t have without it.

Since I started tweeting daily I've:

  • Grown my Twitter account to over 20,000 followers
  • Helped 10s of people become better freelancers
  • Gained £10,000s of work for my web development business
  • Made $10,000s of revenue from digital product sales
  • Received opportunities I'd have only dreamed of previously

And I accomplished all this using the methods taught in this course.

✅ What's included?

In Writing Tweets Daily, you'll be a fly on my wall.

You'll watch me write a week's worth of tweets.

Across two in-depth video modules, I'll show you the systems I use to help me write tweets daily.

If you want to grow quickly, you can watch me write a viral thread in real-time!

And if you want to know what tweets work best, you can grab a spreadsheet of every tweet I've ever written, too!

Video Course

  • Module 1: Turning 1 Tweet Into 10s Of Tweets (57 minutes)
  • Module 2: Writing Tweets From Notes (43 minutes)
  • Appendix PDF: Glossary of Terms and Tools Used

Crafting Viral Threads

  • Optional extra 1: Crafting Viral Threads (3 hours 20 minutes)
  • Watch me write this thread in real-time!

Tweet Spreadsheet

  • Optional extra 2: Tweet Spreadsheet (With Performance Stats)

🤔 FAQs

Is this the same as every other "Twitter course" out there?

No. This is a writing course. I write tweets live.

This course shows you exactly how I write tweets and the processes I use to get content out daily.

There's nothing about replying to big accounts, profile optimisation or sending cold DMs here.

(Because this stuff doesn't matter if you don't write tweets!)

Just easy to follow, realistic tweet writing processes that will help you start creating Twitter content today.

Then keep creating it.

What format is the course in?

Writing Tweets Daily is a video course.

You can watch the modules right after you purchase within Gumroad, or you can download the files to your computer or device to keep forever.

Subtitled versions of all videos are included.

The optional spreadsheet of tweets is a CSV file.

How long is the course?

Modules 1 and 2 are a combined 1 hour and 40 minutes long.

The optional Module 3, where you can see me write a viral thread in real-time, is 3 hours and 20 minutes long.

What if I don't like it?

If you find absolutely nothing useful inside the course, email me and I'll refund you within 30 days of your purchase.

🚀 What's next?

If you're ready to use Twitter to:

  • Gain quality followers
  • Raise your profile
  • Solidify your thoughts
  • Amplify your message
  • Increase your opportunities
  • Build an additional revenue stream

Then it's time to skip the guesswork and learn from someone who started from nothing.

In this video course, I'll show you exactly how I Write Tweets Daily, so you can do it too.

Click the "I want this!" button now to start finding your voice on Twitter today!

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